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Kendall Crawford

Belmont announces plans to resume in-person classes this fall

Updated: Sep 21, 2022

Belmont announced that classes are expected to resume in-person on August 19 for the fall semester, according to an email today from university president Dr. Bob Fisher.

However, Fisher expressed on-campus classes will depend on if the coronavirus conditions worsen.

“The most overwhelming condition is, and always will be, if we can do this in a way that keeps you safe and well and avoids any unnecessary risk. We will certainly do everything we can to keep everyone as safe as possible but, if at any point conditions change dramatically for the worse, we will not hesitate to change our course,” said Fisher.

But the return to campus will not be without adjustments.

Using information gathered by Belmont’s six COVID-19 task forces and consulting medical professionals, Belmont has been innovating ways to keep the student body safe, said Fisher.

“Our teams are in the process of developing on-campus operating practices that we will all have to incorporate into our lives for the good of the community. Some of those changes will make sense to you, some you may question and not understand the ‘why’ behind the requirement. But we will insist that you follow those practices for the good of all.”

Fisher did not specify what these adjustments might be, but encouraged students to take on leadership positions in order to implement the changes.

The email ended with Fisher’s request for students to have a cooperative attitude toward the future adjustments and a promise for more details to follow.

This article written by Kendall Crawford.

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