Enlighten Our Present, Recall Our Past, Embolden Our Future is the theme for the celebration of this year's Black History Month.
For Black History Month, during the month of February, Belmont is hosting events where students will have the opportunity to receive WELL CORE and listen to speakers from different professions come and discuss their experiences and topics.
As an African American student, freshmen Cinneidigh English said that her experience as an on campus has made her look for more opportunities for empowerment for students of color.
“Black History Month is important to me because you don’t hear much about the history in the school system, just a small snippet. But it’s good that they bring up more of the picture in history. That’s so heavily impacted in the overall story of America,” English said.
The Black Student Association is hosting events with Justin Pearson from the “Tennessee Three” who will be coming to discuss Generation Z and involvement in politics and voting on Tuesday. The event is a partnership with SGA and student body president Carter Barnett.
“One of the biggest things a lot of students of color here struggle with is a sense of belonging. A sense of feeling at home, a sense of feeling seen, heard, and appreciated. I believe my goal as president is to hold a space where those individuals can walk in and feel heard, to be seen, and to be appreciated just as they are,” Pettus said.
On Wednesday, a seminar with Dr. Mono Ivey Soto will discuss critical race theory and how Black History is taught in the education system.
Black Student Association will also be hosting their annual Black Affair on the Feb. 22, a gala fundraiser for school supplies. The event will have entertainment through music and a student art showcase.
“We try to mix it up with the theme and make some talks more serious and other things more silly and lighthearted,” Pettus said. “A lot of our history and culture in general can be really serious, especially with the level of oppression and discrimination that we face as a community all the time. We want to focus on celebrating Black joy and Black excellence and being one big happy family.”
Pettus says her focus for the organization is involvement and motivation, along with the legacies and history students of color have to reflect on, she hopes through these events to encourage them to get more involved and develop a community.
“I believe my goal as president is to hold a space where those individuals can walk in and feel heard, to be seen, and to be appreciated just as they are. Regardless of what background they come from, regardless of whether they feel that they are too black or not black enough. I just want to hold a space for everyone and their diverse backgrounds,” Pettus said.
Dr. Taylor and the Black History Month Committee are hosting 30 events this year that will focus on student development in entrepreneurship and philanthropy. Workshops on financial success and generational wealth will also be available for students, faculty, and staff to attend.
“We are enriching our students with the history that is being displayed. Black excellence encompasses everything we are about. It showcases resiliency and triumph through some of the darkest and toughest times. To unite us around this month, I hope when people see these events, they partake in understanding Black culture a little bit more,” Dr. Taylor said.
The Rev. Dr. Howard John Wesley, who is the pastor of the fourth largest African American church in America, will be coming as a chapel speaker. ‘Drumma Boy’ who is a Grammy Award-winning producer will be speaking at Jack C. Massey in the Hackathon Rooms on Feb. 20, at 5 p.m.
Dean Alberto Gonzales of the Belmont Law School will be speaking on how to navigate civil discourse, and how Generation Z can be more involved in politics and the electoral process.
“A lot is going on, and all of our colleges are involved. That goes back to the spirit of unity that this month is all about,” Dr. Taylor said. “It is going to equip our students to touch hands and listen to the people who are in the field and their space so that they can become successful and I think that is the biggest piece.”
This article was written by Kyla Davidson
Amazing article!
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