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PHOTO SLIDESHOW: Urban/Pop Showcase wows crowd

Miss B, “Alpha Tau Omega’s favorite rapper,” kicked off the show with her rendition of “Superbass.” The pit surrounding the three catwalks were filled with dancing and sign wielding members of ATO. She closed her set out with her new song “FoSho.”

Sophomore transfer, Bryce Merritt took the stage next. His Jason Mraz style pop had fans clapping and a few girls declaring their love for Merritt.

After a grand entrance started by two “hype men,” Tre Houston, showcase winner, started his set with some old school Kayne West. Houston’s hip-hop performance was backed by a full band.

Cameron Bedell and the Skunks closed out the show with a funky flair and 70s throwback. Bedell’s new single, “Chasing Your Love” and a dance mash-up was the main aspect of Bedell’s set.

In between each set, a street style rap battle. Levi Gordon was declared the winner after three rounds.

Urban/Pop showcase took place on Oct. 8. The next show in the series is the Rock Showcase.

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