This is an update to the initial article, “Residence hall construction continues into early hours, angers students,” posted on Wednesday.
Dickens Hall residents received an email from Vice President for Finance and Operations Steve Lasley explaining why construction continued into the early hours of Wednesday morning.
R.C. Mathews, the construction company heading up the new Belmont residence hall project, decided to work overtime after rain significantly delayed its progress on installing two new cranes on the construction site.
However, the company did not consult with Belmont before making this decision.
“I have spoken personally with the president of the construction firm and it is not the company’s intention for this situation—or the inconveniences it caused—to happen again,” Lasley’s email stated. “However, I’ve also asked them to please keep Belmont’s Communications and Residence Life offices informed of any changes to the project or schedule that may impact our residents in the future so that we can communicate that to you.”
R.C. Mathews was reached out to for comment during the Vision’s initial investigation.
“Oh, so sorry,” said Eba Hobbs, an employee at R.C. Mathews. “I will check this as soon as I get into the office this morning.”
R.C. Mathews did not respond further.
Lasley ensured Dickens residents the situation would not happen again.
“I hope this information is helpful, and I apologize to those who were impacted,” he said.