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Battle of the Bands Undergoes Lineup Change

Madeleine Bradford

  Belmont University band Keep the Eleven replaced Mary and the Matrix on the Battle of the Bands lineup following the Showcase Council’s apology for unclear eligibility requirements.  

          “We are an organization run by students. We are constantly learning and finding opportunities to grow. We take full responsibility for the confusion and uncertainty regarding this situation,” said the Showcase Council in a press statement.  

     A potential artist eligibility issue was reported to the Office of Student Formation on Friday and later brought to Showcase Council.  

After examining the claim, the council referenced its bylaws and determined that each Battle of the Bands group was eligible to perform, President of Events Kristin Gross.  

     The council later discovered an incorrect requirement listed in this year’s Battle of the Bands application.  

     “There was a line that said, ‘the lead singer must be a fully enrolled Belmont student.’ That line is not found in our artist development document, and it is not found in any of our other applications,” said Gross.  

     To re-focus efforts on show preparation, the application form was recycled from last year, said Gross.  

     “In doing that, we assumed that the application requirements met our standards in our documents, and for whatever reason, they didn’t. This wasn’t an issue in the past, so we didn’t catch it until now, which is very unfortunate and that’s completely on us,” said Gross.  

     The person who applies for Battle of the Bands is automatically considered the band leader, regardless of band position, said Gross.  

While Mary and the Matrix’s lead singer is not a Belmont student, another member who attends Belmont had submitted the band’s application.  

     After meeting with council members and Dean Brittany Schaffer, Gross contacted the band members and made them aware of the council’s mistake.  

     “As the Showcase council, we determined these girls are very passionate about what they do, and that there was no ill or malicious intent anywhere. All of this confusion was purely bred from a mistake on our part,” said Gross. 

     Mary and the Matrix agreed to go forward with the competition, and Gross planned to issue a response Tuesday morning. At 1:30 a.m. on Tuesday, Gross was notified that the band had withdrawn from the competition. 

     “It was determined that the lead singer wants to go in a different direction, and they will no longer be playing Battle of the Bands,” said Gross. 

     Council members reviewed the situation Tuesday morning and debated how to go on with a three-band performance, said Gross.  

      “We all just came to the conclusion. Showcase delivers four-band shows. We want to be able to deliver a four-band show,” said Gross. 

     The competition’s judging panel chose Keep the Eleven as a replacement, whose members have played many live shows, including Showcase during their freshman year. 


     “We are all very confident that they will be able to handle it, and we are going to support them in any way we can,” said Gross.  

     The Battle of the Bands competition will take place Saturday at 8:00 p.m. at Freedom Plaza. 


This article was written by Madeleine Bradford,

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