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Start your chariots!

Friends, Romans, countrymen, lend me your ears! The Red Bull Chariot Races have returned! Student gladiators from MTSU, Belmont, TSU and Vanderbilt built and raced their handcrafted, non-motorized chariots in Centennial Park on Nov. 11, the first time the race has been held in Nashville since 2007. Based on the Red Bull Flugtag races, teams charged around the tiny track in creative carts.

Each team consisted of three members: two pulling the cart and one riding as the load. Belmont’s contenders were three teams from greek life, Alpha Tau Omega (The G6 Blackouts), Alpha Sigma Theta (Always Strutting Togas), and Phi Kappa Tau (PKTXTREME) The teams lined up for the first race at 8 p.m. to battle it out in the cold blistering wind. and kicked off the event with an intense round of out of control races.

In the first round of racing, all three Belmont teams were eliminated. A broken arm and a few broken chariots later, the Green Beans of Vanderbilt took home the trophy and will advance to the next round of races. Though Belmont did not take home any awards that evening, the teams walked away with ear-to-ear smiles after a long evening of exciting events!

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