Change is on the way at After this April issue, the Belmont Vision will be an exclusively online enterprise. After decades in print, it’s a major change for us, and it’s one we’re not taking lightly. This paper has been the source for campus news for more than half a century, and has covered the Belmont community during its best and worst times since its inception. While we may not be in print physically from now on, those same ideals and standards that this organization has always held will stay the same and be just as present.
These same standards, however, do not mean a major game change is on the way at the Vision. With the move, our online content will be taken to a new level. We’ll have a greater and more varied collection of stories here than ever before. We’re embed ourselves into communities and on-campus and around the city and tell the things that students want to see in ways that may not have been told before. Frankly, we at the Vision are excited about what’s to come in the next few months. It may be the end of an era for us, but with that end come the start of a brand new one. We hope you join us for the ride.