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From the desk of the president: May 5

As the semester comes to a close, I wanted to take a moment to congratulate you on all of your good work and to wish you well. For those of you who will be graduating on Saturday, I’ll have the privilege of sharing some thoughts directly with you then. For the rest of you, whether you’re among the 1,500 who will be rejoining us for the Maymester or summer work or whether you won’t be back until August, I hope that you have a safe, healthy and productive summer.

When you return in August, you will find a spectacular new dining facility and a brand new home for the Curb College, Media Studies and Motion Pictures. We also anticipate that the renovation of the Jack Massey Business building will be complete to the point that classes will be held in the remodeled section. Construction will continue until January on the new lobby and study area. And in a rare reversal of Belmont’s building trend, one building is expected to be gone. The Wheeler Humanities building will be removed in May and June and will be replaced by a new expanse of green space.

In August you will also be welcomed back to a year-long celebration of Belmont’s 125th birthday—our quasquicentennial. That’s right, the 125th year is referred to as the “quasquicentennial” year. While we won’t try to spell that on a T-Shirt –you remember the trouble with spelling “university”–, it will be on your tests. The year will be filled with special events that are mentioned in an email that you should have received from me very recently—maybe read just this one? Anyway, have a great summer and when you return “Let’s get this party started!” – Pink

Bob Fisher

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