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HAIL yeah! Hail Hall’s 100th birthday

Hail Hall. Isaac Wetzel/Belmont Vision

A historic Belmont University dorm will celebrate its 100th birthday with a party sure to be a hail of a good time on Thursday.

From 6-8 p.m., the party will have various activities such as a photo booth and the ultimate staple of any birthday party - cake.

The festivities are a time for partygoers to celebrate what makes Hail Hall truly special.

Living in a community-style dorm, 72 freshman women have no choice but to learn more about each other.

The result is a sense of community among the women.

Current Hail Hall residence director Katie Masters knew this principle would be the main focus of the party.

“We knew that Hail was turning 100 this year, so we wanted to celebrate that. We thought through some of the things Hail’s known for, and one of the big things is having a great community,” Masters said. “We wanted to plan a celebration that would bring together people who lived in Hail now and in the past.”

Former Hail Hall residents, residence assistants and RDs will go to Hail and reflect on some of their favorite memories while current residents will partake in some Hail Hall traditions.

One of these traditions is a memory book.

The book has been passed down through the years with current residents signing their names onto the pages. At the party, the current group of women will get to become a piece of Hail Hall history.

Residents are also able to make their own Hail Hall crest so they can always remember the place that gave them a sense of community and family in what can be a challenging freshman year.

“For me, Hail is not only a place for me to live and be with at Belmont. It’s also a place where I can find community and shelter,” freshman Emily Sawyer said. “The RAs and RD are so sweet and welcoming, and the people I live with are genuinely fun people.”

Sawyer is also the president of the Hail Community Council, planning events for the hall in hopes that more people will see it for its true potential.

“I want to continue to plan for more ambitious projects,” Sawyer said. “I want people to see the cozy welcoming Hail that I came to know and not the old brick building people see it as.”

For freshman Alissia Fulton, that sense of community helped ease the struggles of adjusting to college life.

“For me, Hail represents safety and community. When I found my friends, it became our place to hang out,” Fulton said. “We’ve had movie nights in the lobby, pizza making in the kitchen, and occasionally karaoke in the showers. I wouldn’t have preferred any other dorm to welcome me into my new era.”

This article was written by Ty Wellemeyer

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