Campus officials are discussing constructing a new building that will at least house the Department of Media Studies, according to top university and department officials.
At a presentation discussing the features of the Wedgewood Academic Center Friday morning, Provost Thomas Burns acknowledged the Media Studies department would be built new facilities in “the next building.”
The department is currently located on the second floor of Gabhart and was one of a handful of College of Arts and Sciences department not to receive new space in the Wedgewood Center.
Media Studies department chair Thom Storey confirmed discussing the issue with administration officials.
When asked for further details of the building, Burns said he couldn’t give more information about it. He then alluded to the trend of recent university growth around 15th and Wedgewood avenues.
“It’s no secret that Belmont has wanted to build off of 15th Avenue with this building, the Baskin Center and where the tennis courts are located,” Burns said.
The provost said more information about the facility could be available after the Board of Trustees meet on Jan. 27.