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PHOTO STORY: Christian Showcase

In the second of this school year's musical showcases, artists took to the Curb Event Center to highlight their faith-based songs in the Christian Showcase.

Four artists performed on Saturday to showcase their unique songs and sounds. The Band Amber, Abby Dixon, MG Smith and Amanda Nicole all showed out to the half-filled, dimly lit arena.

Amanda Nicole took home the honors with her band and now has the ticket to return for the Best of the Best Showcase in the spring, where winners from each showcase compete for the coveted title.

The lights shined down on the artists who performed on a colorful stage. Some artists chose to include passages from the Bible between each song of their sets to give added context behind the songs, some also took the time to pray over the audience.

The Black Student Alliance Choir performed a small set as well while the judges deliberated on the winner.

MG Smith (left) preforms a mix of upbeat and intimate songs, Joanna Walden

Amanda Nicole preforms an intimate melody to the crowd, Joanna Walden

A crowd forms around the front of the stage in anticipation for The Band Amber, Joanna Walden

The Band Amber hits the stage, Braden Simmons

Abby Dixon gets the crowd moving with her set, Joanna Walden

Daniel Mazzerina announcing Amanda Nicole as the winner of the showcase, Joanna Walden

Amanda Nicole standing with her band after being announced as the winner, Joanna Walden


This article was written by Braden Simmons.

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