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Spring break is here! What students are doing over the break

Bree Fabbie

Photo: Wix Multimedia

Making it through the first few months of the spring semester, spring break can serve as a well-deserved week of relaxation. Some students take the time to go home, while others travel with friends or family. Some might even take new opportunities that just can’t be passed up. The trip back to home sweet home could be just what students need before heading into the semester’s latter half “I’m bringing my friend Hunter back home to Richland, South Carolina and we’re going to go fishing,” said freshman CW Bales. “I'm going home to New Jersey, and I booked a job to DJ a wedding with my uncle which I am super excited about because I have not gotten to DJ with him since last summer,” freshman Frankie Rae said. “I’m going home to Wisconsin, and they have snow which I am excited for. I’m also going to get to see my grandparents and a musical,” said freshman Amy Abramavicius. “I’m going home for a bit and then coming back to Nashville early for an Inhaler concert at Brooklyn Bowl,” said freshman Lucas Vittotr. Spring break can also be the perfect time to sit on the beach with toes in the sand, which is exactly what these students plan on doing. “I’m going to Florida to visit my grandpa and hang out on the beach,” said junior Addison Bendall. “I’m going to Jamaica for vacation with my family,” said freshman Keaton Regen. “I’m going to Marco Island off the coast of Florida with my family for spring break,” said senior Colson Kelly. Getting out of Nashville for a bit and visiting somewhere new can also be exciting – whether it's for a new opportunity or for sheer enjoyment. “I’m going to Chattanooga to hike Lookout Mountain,” said senior Tessa Woods. “I’m going to Dublin, Ireland to produce the theme song for a podcast called ‘Stuff You Should Know,’ which is made by iHeart Radio. Fortunately, we won’t be spending our entire visit on the studio, and I look forward to hiking the cliffs of Moher and visiting the book of Kells,” said freshman Logan Freevol. Whether it’s heading back home, exploring new places or simply staying in town over the break, no matter what you plan on doing, there’s no right or wrong way to do it.

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