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Have a happy holiday without the hassle

With Thanksgiving coming up and Christmas close behind, the candy, pies and cakes abound. Your caloric intake may skyrocket if you don’t keep in mind what you’re putting in your mouth. Sure, turkey, mashed potatoes and pumpkin pie make your mouth water. That’s why we’ve conducted five simple ways you can survive the holidays without risking not fitting into your favorite jeans.

  1. Family versus food: Thanksgiving is a time for eating and sleeping, yes, but it’s also a time to go home and see those you haven’t seen since fall break. Instead of concentrating on the satisfying feeling turkey brings, focus on the warmth of family and friends.

  2. The important meal of the day: Eating breakfast, according to WebMD, a health-conscience website, is very important to keep your calories under control. Instead of saving your stomach for the big meals, eat breakfast and snack on healthy things throughout the day.

  3. Eat slowly: Instead of wolfing down those mashed potatoes, try to slow down. Savor the food you’ve been waiting for since the semester began. Smaller portion, fewer calories: The holidays may seem perfect to gorge on turkey and gravy, but if you don’t want to look like Santa, limit how much you take in. Find your favorites and then choose more veggies rather than the second piece of pumpkin pie. Take a little bit of this and a little bit of that, you’ll be able to enjoy the bounty without regret.

  4. Keep weight loss at bay: WebMD says the holidays are not a time to think about losing weight. That’s what those New Year’s resolutions are for. The holidays are a time to indulge a bit and forget about the looming scale. Make goals to maintain your weight rather than try to lose it.

The semester is winding down and the holiday excitement is in the air. Remember these tips and you’ll be able to enjoy the holidays complete with family, friends and food without feeling guilty come January.

—Amanda Stravinsky

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