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Meet the new Bruin: Heather Ferrari

Belmont University freshman women’s soccer player Heather Ferrari hails from Duluth, Ga. and happily made Nashville her home.

Ferrari wears jersey number 28 and enjoys baking cookies and brownies in between episodes of “Castle.”

When she is taking a break from whipping up some of her homemade icing for her baked treats, the 18-year-old plays defense for Belmont.

The nursing major came to the university after hearing about the small campus, Christian influences and, of course, the soccer team, said Ferrari.

“I have gotten to see my childhood dream come true of playing soccer in college,” said Ferrari.

The dorms, especially, have been a big influence on Ferrari who enjoys the relationships and “close knit family like” feel in her dorm hall.

Although the hall is close knit, she is ready to live in the apartment-style dorms to have her own space and bake without having to leave her dorm.

Even though the soccer season has ended, Ferrari’s career at Belmont is just beginning.

“I am looking forward to the spring and next fall season, but I am going to miss the seniors. They were such great leaders both on and off the field. They truly cared about you and together as a team we were like a family. I couldn’t ask for a better group of girls to be apart of,” said Ferrari.

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