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Upcoming events celebrate Women’s History Month, teach students

Even though Women’s History Month is just about halfway finished, there are still some upcoming events that cannot be missed.

They are imperative to one’s safety, art and convocation credit interests.

One of those events was A Walk in Their Shoes. The convocation was held on March 13, and it was a new addition to Belmont’s schedule.

“A Walk in Their Shoes is an interactive training that we have begun implementing here at Belmont. We have about six different scenarios ranging from sexual assault to domestic violence to cyberstalking,” said Molly Zlock, the Title IX coordinator and assistant dean of students.

Students took a walk in someone’s shoes with a group of 10 people who were given the scenarios.The scenarios took place in stations resembling physical locations such as Belmont, downtown Nashville and other areas.

Three volunteers were chosen from the group – two readers and one decision-maker – leaving the rest to be observers. They were then given script cards to read, and at the end of every card there was a decision to make.

The decision-maker’s choice could change the whole outcome of the scenario, which made it interesting and definitely a beneficial learning experience for both men and women.

As for upcoming events, a special singer/songwriter’s night will be held in Curb Café on Monday starting at 7 p.m. This writer’s night will focus on the empowerment of voices through song including artists such as Anna Vaus, Katie Crone and Bryce Davidson.

People will also have the opportunity to show off their Belmont artistry skills and make posters for Take Back the Night.

Take Back the Night will be jam-packed with a worship service, rally march and candlelight vigil aimed at raising awareness of sexual and domestic violence. This event will begin at 6:30 p.m. on April 6 in the Chapel and will feature survivor stories along with keynote speaker Heather Imrie.

Until then, students can listen to the Rev. Becca Stevens, the Women’s History Month keynote speaker, on March 27. Stevens is the founder of Magdalene House and Thistle Farms, communities aiming to provide sanctuary to women who have survived abuse, trafficking, addiction and prostitution, according to the website.

“Becca Stevens will provide the keynote address on Monday, March 27 as we continue to think of ways to stop sexual assault and violence in both local and global communities,” English professor Amy Hodges Hamilton said.

There will also be artwork and writing from survivors of sexual assault showcased in the library until March 27 and in the cafeteria from then until April 6.

Women have played key roles in history and a month just does not seem like enough. So come out, support and celebrate women while earning convocation credit in the process.

This article was written by Sydney Evans. Photo courtesy of Molly Zlock.

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